Openingsuren: dinsdag 18-21u donderdag 18-21u; of op afspraak. Diestersteenweg 106, 3680 Maaseik. Gratis verzonden België/Nederland vanaf 50€!
€5.85 €9.75
Great Top water lure, based on the scan of a real Shrimp! The Shrimp swims forward to escapes backwards – we have designed the Hybrid shrimp to have the perfect backwards fleeing movement coming straight to the surface – with a popping and splashing sound. On the drop the lure will swim forward and sink with the TPE legs and whiskers moving like a life shrimp! The lure is built for long casting and will come straight tothe surface on the retrieve – add twitches and the lure will pop and splash with the tail in the surface! The 4x treble hook, is nicely hidden – in a magnetic slot in the belly – for perfect hook up rate! Deadly on any top water style of fishing, where shrimp is on the menu! The best shrimp prey fish imitation ever!
10cm 17g
Type: Hybride kunstaas